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          您好,歡迎光臨萊州聚峰機械有限公司網(wǎng)站! 主營(yíng)自動(dòng)攪拌車(chē),攪拌一體車(chē),自動(dòng)上料攪拌車(chē)等各種規格的產(chǎn)品。




          發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-11-09 來(lái)源:http://www.jackpetty.net/ 瀏覽量:0

          The commercial concrete mixing plant is facing fierce market competition. In order to improve the competitiveness of the mixing plant in the market competition, it is necessary to strengthen the cost control in the production and transportation process of the concrete mixing plant. Now let's take a look at how the mixer can reduce the fuel consumption of the mixer to a very low level. Eight tips to reduce the fuel consumption of mixer truck! As follows:
          1、在行駛中發(fā)現攪拌車(chē)現在的滑行距離明顯減少,這時(shí)司機們應該檢查一下攪拌車(chē)的輪胎氣壓是否合乎氣壓標準。若輪胎充氣不足,耗油量也會(huì )增加。
          1. When driving, it is found that the taxi distance of the mixer is obviously reduced. At this time, drivers should check whether the tire pressure of the mixer meets the pressure standard. If the tire is under inflated, the fuel consumption will also increase.
          Prompt: Fill the tire with sufficient air at the right time.
          2、檢查攪拌車(chē)輪胎的磨損程度,如果輪胎磨損嚴重時(shí),就會(huì )經(jīng)常出現打滑現象,增加耗油量。
          2. Check the wear of the tires of the mixer truck. If the tires are seriously worn, they will often slip and increase fuel consumption.
          Tips: tyres that can be replaced if necessary.
          3、在攪拌車(chē)行駛中或啟動(dòng)時(shí)發(fā)現車(chē)輪有異常響聲,網(wǎng)友們應該及時(shí)檢查軸承及剎車(chē)系統是否有故障。如果車(chē)輪轉動(dòng)不正常,就會(huì )影響攪拌車(chē)的車(chē)速,使油耗加大。
          3. If the wheels make abnormal noise when the mixer is running or starting, netizens should timely check whether the bearing and brake system are faulty. If the wheels do not rotate normally, it will affect the speed of the mixer and increase the fuel consumption.
          Prompt: overhaul the bearing and brake system.
          4、攪拌車(chē)離合器打滑會(huì )使發(fā)動(dòng)機的轉數丟失。當您在急加速時(shí)發(fā)現攪拌車(chē)發(fā)動(dòng)機轉速表增加很快,但車(chē)速增加卻很慢,這時(shí)可以判定是離合器打滑了。
          4. The slipping of the mixer truck clutch will cause the loss of engine revolutions. When you accelerate rapidly, you find that the engine tachometer of the mixer truck increases rapidly, but the speed increases slowly. At this time, it can be determined that the clutch is slipping.
          Prompt: It is necessary to replace the clutch plate, clutch pressure plate and drive wheel.
          5、當攪拌車(chē)已經(jīng)行駛二三十萬(wàn)時(shí),通常會(huì )出現汽缸壓力不足的現象,這時(shí)油耗會(huì )明顯增加。
          5. When the mixer has driven 230000 kilometers, the cylinder pressure is usually insufficient, and the fuel consumption will increase significantly.
          Prompt: If such a fault occurs, the mixer engine needs to be overhauled.
          6. When the exhaust pipe emits black smoke and the fuel consumption increases by D, the carburetor needs to be checked.
          Tip: If the carburetor is too dirty, you can spray detergent directly on the carburetor air inlet. If there is black smoke at this time, you can only disassemble the carburetor for cleaning.
          7、如果攪拌車(chē)火花塞使用的時(shí)間太長(cháng),也會(huì )出現油耗加大的現象。因為攪拌車(chē)火花塞損壞會(huì )使點(diǎn)火的N量下降,車(chē)提速減慢,導致油消耗明顯增加。
          7. If the spark plug of the mixer truck is used too long, the fuel consumption will also increase. Because the damaged spark plug of the mixer will reduce the amount of ignition N, slow down the car's acceleration, and lead to a significant increase in oil consumption.
          Tip: The spark plug of the mixer truck should be replaced.
          8、當攪拌車(chē)的溫控開(kāi)關(guān)和節溫器損壞時(shí),會(huì )出現油耗增加的現象。因為攪拌車(chē)的溫控開(kāi)關(guān)和節溫器損壞會(huì )使水溫降低,化油器不能正常工作,導致攪拌車(chē)油霧化不好,油耗量明顯增加。
          8. When the temperature control switch and thermostat of the mixer are damaged, the fuel consumption will increase. Because the temperature control switch and thermostat of the mixer are damaged, the water temperature will be lowered, and the carburetor will not work normally, resulting in poor oil atomization of the mixer and a significant increase in oil consumption.
          Tip: Check the temperature control switch and thermostat regularly.
          Eight tips to reduce the fuel consumption of the mixer are the above. If you have any questions about this, please come to our website http://www.jackpetty.net Consult!



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