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          您好,歡迎光臨萊州聚峰機械有限公司網(wǎng)站! 主營(yíng)自動(dòng)攪拌車(chē),攪拌一體車(chē),自動(dòng)上料攪拌車(chē)等各種規格的產(chǎn)品。




          發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-11-28 來(lái)源:http://www.jackpetty.net/ 瀏覽量:0

          概述: 因制動(dòng)系統故障而引發(fā)的交通事故非常多,輕則爆胎,重則車(chē)輛起火。因此,自動(dòng)攪拌車(chē)駕駛員一定要經(jīng)常檢查制動(dòng)系統,尤其是制動(dòng)間隙、制動(dòng)
          There are many traffic accidents caused by brake system failure, ranging from tire blowout to vehicle fire. Therefore, the driver of the automatic mixer must always check the brake system, especially the brake clearance and brake shoe thickness.
          First, let's talk about its working principle: compressed air enters the brake cylinder, the push rod of the brake cylinder pushes outward due to the air pressure, driving the adjustment arm to move, the adjustment arm drives the camshaft to rotate, and the S cam at the other end of the camshaft drives the brake shoe to move outward, contacts the brake hub, and generates braking force, so the vehicle can slow down and stop.
          車(chē)輛在行駛一定的時(shí)間后,制動(dòng)蹄片會(huì )慢慢變薄,制動(dòng)間隙就會(huì )越來(lái)越大,如果不及時(shí)調整,制動(dòng)缸推到底,制動(dòng)蹄片和制動(dòng)轂也接觸不上或者即使接觸上也沒(méi)有力量了,也就沒(méi)有制動(dòng)了。
          After the vehicle has been driven for a certain time, the brake shoe will gradually become thinner and the brake clearance will become larger. If it is not adjusted in time, the brake cylinder will be pushed to the bottom, and the brake shoe and the brake hub will not contact, or even if there is no force in contact, there will be no braking.
          The key component for adjusting the brake clearance is the adjusting arm, which is divided into automatic adjusting arm and manual adjusting arm. The adjustment method of manual adjusting arm is as follows:
          Adjust the brake clearance through the adjusting nut in the locking device, open the observation hole on the dust cover, observe the rotation of the adjusting nut that makes the brake clearance smaller, stop when there is no clearance and it is obviously larger, and then rotate 180 degrees in the opposite direction to adjust it. The automatic adjusting arm generally does not need manual adjustment. However, the quality of automatic adjusting arm is generally not as good as that of manual adjusting arm.
          This is the end of the method for adjusting the brake clearance of the automatic mixer truck. Let's stop here if you have any information about it! Follow us http://www.jackpetty.net , learn more!



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